Teq v1
+Nice Beat choice
+Loved the entrance
+pretty solid verse
+loved the humor
+nice flow change up
+"If you had a super hero name, then it would be bitch man"
+"your music makes me wanna slam my dick on a car door"
WS v1
+Good Nimbus punch "minus the flow, bars, and the crowd that would listen"
+Good catch on the fact that Teq talked about dicks a lot. I didn't even notice
+Nice Larping flip
+Loved the exit, but I couldn't catch it all, honestly
Teq v2
+Crazy rhymes and multis. Too many to name
+Loved the versatile flow
+"Your last four bars ran indecipherable bullshit" -somewhat true lol
+"power outage how conveniunntt" this bar sounded sick and was on point
WS v2
+"It's great you couldn't understand my last four lines, when you pointed out the one about the tech nine" Dammmm this shit is true
+Great closer. "you challenge good rappers, but you're not beatin em"
+Flowed and delivered better
+Had humor
+Better mic presence
+Combination of many elements
+Stronger punches
+Stronger flips
+More personal
This battle could go either way. Both of yall should pat yallselves on the back. I went back and fourth on this. At many points I wanted to vote for one of you, then I wanted to vote for the other. That's why I gave this like 50 listens. I'm even listening as I write this review to back up my vote.
Thought about it long and hard. Wasn't going to vote, but since it's so close, I want my voice heard. I gotta go with Spawn on this one cuz he had more relevance and harder punches. Loved teq's flow though. But yeah, WS flipped about everything teq said except the poweroutage line. Whereas, teq didn't attempt to flip much. Teq was more creative, but most of his bars could have been said to anyone. I can elaborate more if anyone has any questions, but I'm done for now.
WS ftw